
Enter the Mynthiverse: Unveiling the Chameleon Collection

December 10, 2023

This isn't just about snagging some digital art. It's a whole new way to dive into the Mynth DAO community. A set of 2,000 unique digital assets, each one opening a door to Mynth's Liquid DAO Staking.


Chameleons with Character

So, what's the big deal with these digital chameleons? Each of the 2,000 pieces in the collection is totally unique, kind of like snowflakes but way more colorful. They're not just pretty faces, either. Each one carries a token — MNT, ADA, or USDT. The ones with MNT are like finding a four-leaf clover; they're super rare. Except MNT has three leaves… Anyway…

Straight Talk on Pricing

Each piece in the collection is $100, and you can pay with ADA. This price helps fuel Mynth's plan to boost the MyUSD/USDT liquidity pool. It's more than just buying art; it's like planting a seed in the Mynth ecosystem. Oh, what’s MyUSD? More on that soon.


The Perks of Being a Holder

Owning a piece of this collection has its perks. Every five days, Mynth hands out 27,397.260273 MNT among the asset holders. A total of 2M MNT will be distributed over 2024. It's all automated via liquid staking, but make sure your account details are spot on, or you might miss out on your share.

Here's how the rewards work: half of the MNT is split evenly among all the Mynth Genesis assets. If there are 1,000 assets registered, each gets a little over 13.69 MNT. The other half? It’s shared across multiplier accounts based on how much MNT they've staked. More staked MNT means potentially more rewards.

If you land a chameleon holding an MNT token, you've got something extra special. Because these rare assets play a crucial role in the multiplier effect. When it comes to distributing rewards, holding one of these rare chameleons can bump up your share if you hold him with two other friends. Think of it like a bonus round where the rewards are sweeter.

To be eligible for a multiplier, you need at least three Mynth Genesis assets, with one being rare. The total MNT across all eligible accounts gets divided, and then the rewards roll in. For instance, if 500,000 MNT is staked by the die-hard Mynth fans, each MNT in each account scores a sweet 0.027397 MNT reward. So, a user with 50,000 MNT staked receives an additional 1,369.85 MNT on top of their regular MNT rewards.


Mynth Account v1: Keeping Things Simple

When you get your hands on a Mynth Genesis asset, you'll also get access to Mynth Account v1. It's the first step in a series of upgrades coming in 2024, all designed to make managing your digital assets a walk in the park.

Why Not Join Us?

The Mynth Genesis Collection is more than just digital art; it's a community, broad opportunities, and a new way to play in the digital asset world. If this sounds like your kind of thing, come aboard and see what the Mynth is all about.

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